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Python for MATLAB Programmers

An introduction to numeric Python programming for experienced MATLAB developers.

Python for MATLAB® Programmers

Learning and Leveraging Python When You Know MATLAB

By Andrew Janke and Michael Patterson

Creative Commons License

Python for MATLAB Programmers by Andrew Janke and Michael Patterson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Release notes:


If the title of this paper caught your eye, chances are you have programmed in MATLAB for some time. You know the MATLAB language, the development environment, and probably a few toolboxes. And yet you saw the word Python in the title and kept reading.

Alongside MATLAB, Python has evolved into a powerful and popular programming language. Python can interact with MATLAB, and thus could augment or streamline some of your current MATLAB-based programming efforts. That is, if only you knew more about the Python language.

This article’s authors have more than thirty years combined programming experience with MATLAB and numerous other languages. Over the past several years we’ve also worked with Python, and we know firsthand that there’s room for the Python language in a MATLAB programmer’s toolbox. But to our knowledge nobody has written a comprehensive guide to help a MATLAB programmer discover Python. Until now.

If you are a MATLAB programmer and you’ve been wondering what the Python programming language is or if it might be of value to you, this article is for you. If you want to learn about Python but don’t want to spend a week reading tutorials, this article is for you. We hope that by the time you’ve read this article, assuming that you do, you’ll agree that we’ve provided a quick way to discover Python given your background in MATLAB programming.

Objectives of this Article

Because MATLAB and Python have many similarities, and because you already know the former, learning about the latter should come easy. The primary objective of this article is to provide you with a quick, familiar way of discovering Python. We will not try to present the entire Python language; we’ll instead focus on those parts most relevant to a person coming from your background.

In addition to presenting the Python language we’ll introduce the Python ecosystem, a set of libraries and tools that provides Python with features and capabilities you’ve come to enjoy with MATLAB. The Python ecosystem is vast, and a second objective of this article is to filter the ecosystem to those parts that will likely be of importance to you.

A third objective is to present you with an unbiased view of both languages. There are plenty of websites and articles that claim to prove one language is somehow better than the other; we find those discussions to be subjective, biased, and often misrepresentative of one or both languages. We will not suggest that you switch from one language to the other. We find tremendous value in MATLAB, but we also find value in Python. Each language has its strengths and the two products can interoperate. So perhaps you’ll find reasons to use both languages, as we do.

Editing and Distributing this Article

As just mentioned, we have a goal of keeping this article brief. However, we’ve received many suggestions of additional material for the article, and we value those suggestions. In March 2019 we open-sourced the article and published it to a GitHub public repository.

Readers are encouraged to edit or add material by submitting pull requests from the GitHub repository. If you are not comfortable doing so but have corrections, additions, suggestions, criticisms, etc. please direct them to the authors. We will give proper acknowledgement to all who contribute to this article.

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The article is available to download, edit, expand upon, revise, re-publish, etc. to suit your needs. Want to re-publish this article as a set of web pages? Feel free. Want to use this article for material in a class you teach? Again, feel free. Under the terms of the Creative Commons license, you have full access to the article but the article must retain the original author’s names.


We will use only a few conventions in this document, again in the name of simplicity. Code that you would enter in a Python console is prefaced by the standard >>> Python prompt. Continuation lines are prefaced by the standard ... continuation marks.

On the rare occasion that we reference an operating system, we reference only Windows even though Python also runs on Macintosh and Linux. We believe that the Windows-based references are clear enough that translating to the other operating systems will be straightforward.

MATLAB and Python, at a High Level

Like MATLAB1, Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. MATLAB was first released in 1983; Python in 1991.  Both are extensible and designed for use by a wide audience.

You already know MATLAB’s key characteristics. Let’s assess, in as non-subjective manner as possible, the high-level similarities of MATLAB and Python.

Clearly the two languages have numerous similarities. But these are different languages, designed by different people with different design objectives and different target audiences. Each language has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Some of the key differences between the two languages are as follows; again, we will strive to be as objective as possible.

The list goes on. Assuming you have access to both languages, you can use both to extract the best of each. Let’s look at a few more differences that you’ll eventually want to consider.

Lastly, let’s consider the two languages from the point of view of a typical MATLAB programmer (assuming we can stereotype here). Each product supports timeseries data and has several date and time-specific data types. Each provides extensive mathematical and scientific libraries. Each provides access to a wide collection of linear algebra algorithms. Each provides extensive charting capabilities, including geospatial charting. Each can compile source code to P-code. This list too, goes on.

In the end, MATLAB and Python differ in many implementation details but provide many common capabilities.


Python is available for the Windows, MacIntosh and Linux operating systems. The installation process is simple: just download the installer and click through its prompts. Note that both x86 and x86-64 versions are available. Grab whatever latest version is appropriate for your computer.

The examples of this article were created using Python version 3.7. None of the examples have been tested on earlier Python versions. As of December 2019, Python version 3.8 was released, and we expect that the examples to follow will be forward-compatible. We thus suggest that you download and install Python version 3.7 or later.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

You may eventually want an IDE, and there are numerous to choose from. The Wiki pages at list approximately twenty IDEs. One that will likely be of interest to you is Spyder, which provides a programming environment similar to MATLAB’s. Be aware that some Python IDEs are quite sophisticated and are not trivial to learn. For the purpose of running this article’s code snippets, you have two simpler options.

First, an IDE called IDLE ships with the Python download. This IDE is limited in functionality but sufficient for our present needs. To run, first install Python as per the above instructions. Then open a command window and enter idle. There’s some trial and error in learning how to enter commands and code blocks into IDLE, but you’ll catch on quickly.

Alternatively, you can skip the Python install and run Python commands online at any of a number of websites that provide a Python engine. One such website is The learning curve is shorter with this approach, and no installations are required.

For the moment, we recommend that you either use IDLE or an online Python engine. We will return to the IDE topic in the chapter titled, The Python Ecosystem. At that time, you’ll understand why we suggest you delay making a decision on an IDE.

Python Modules and Packages

Python uses modules and packages in the same way that MATLAB uses M-files and toolboxes. A module is a file of Python code with a file name that ends with suffix .py; a package is a directory of modules. There are so many modules and packages publicly available that discovering them requires an investment of your time.

A list of public modules is available at the PSF Module Index. A searchable list of packages is available at the Python Package Index. How many packages are available, you ask? Nearly 150,000 as of late 2018. Again, the Python ecosystem is quite large. From the PSF website, the most commonly used packages include:

Most (perhaps all) of the MATLAB toolboxes have been reproduced as Python packages. Even the MathWorks’ flagship product Simulink has a companion Python package called bms. On the Package Index website, you’ll find packages for curve fitting, statistics, mapping, analyzing text, AI, image processing, among hundreds of topics.

Be aware that Python packages are developed in an open source environment. Generally, these efforts produce quality software but there are no guarantees. In contrast, MATLAB toolboxes are written by professional software developers at the MathWorks, and the quality of their software is usually excellent. When selecting Python packages, it’s a good practice to look for the project’s development page to gauge its member involvement, project maturity, and bug reports. Most Python projects are hosted on GitHub.

To register a module in the current workspace, Python uses an import statement. Importing a module is similar to adding a folder to the MATLAB path: each process makes additional definitions and logic available to the current workspace. We’ll discuss the importing of modules and packages in great detail later on. For the moment, just know that when you see an import statement in the following examples, we’re registering Python files in the current workspace.

The Python Style Guide

Python is a terse, whitespace-sensitive language. A key objective of the language is to be readable, and toward that goal the language adheres to PEP8: The Style Guide for Python Code. Here, PEP is an acronym for Python Enhancement Proposal. Many languages have preferred styles, but Python demands many of its style specifications. Blank lines and indentations are important, and their proper use is not optional. Eventually you will want to read the style guide, but early on you can also allow an IDE to enforce the required conventions.

Getting Help

There will be times when reading this document that you’ll want additional information on a data type, function or class. Python gives you several sources of help. Suppose you want information about the int() function. From a Python console you can type:


The first command will provide you with a brief overview of the function. The second command will provide a broader discussion. If you are using an IDE which is IPython-based, you can also enter the following:

int?? # More details on the int() function

? # Help on IPython itself

%quickref # Quick reference on IPython

And of course, you can find online help at or any of many Python-focused websites.

Inc. <br> <br>

Python Types

In the following sections of this document we’ll browse through the Python language syntax. We will include code snippets. If you’ve installed Python on your computer, or if you’ve chosen an online Python engine, you can try out the examples.

We’ll start with data types, and later move into control structures. Because we’ll include code snippets below, you’ll have a good feel for the control structures before we arrive at that section. Later, we will look at Python’s object-oriented programming model. And lastly, we’ll look at select portions of the Python ecosystem.

Numeric Types

MATLAB and Python have many similarities in their numeric types and calculations upon those types. The core Python library defines fewer types than MATLAB does, but add-on libraries will fill any voids you may notice.


MATLAB and Python have many similarities in their Boolean types.


MATLAB is all about matrices; Python’s closest primary type match is a sequence. The sequence data type is a building block to what MATLAB calls vectors and arrays. For the moment we’ll focus on Python’s primary data types, and later we’ll return to the topics of vectors and arrays.

Use of square brackets is a helpful convention, as the brackets distinguish indexing from function or method calls. This is just one of many Python conventions that improve code readability.

Sequences are important to the Python language: they provide built-in types such as strings, lists and tuples. And sequences are a building block to many of Python’s derived data types such as vectors and arrays. We’ll cover the built-in sequence types first, and later return to the derived types.


The sequence string type is one that will be familiar to you. However, specification of and operations on Python strings differ from what MATLAB provides.

>>> str = '''abc
... def'''

The immutability property of strings may be disconcerting to a MATLAB programmer who is used to changing strings with several of MATLAB’s built-in string processing facilities. Rest assured that Python provides similar facilities via add-on modules.

Python provides several techniques for variable substitution and formatting in strings, but these differing methods appear to be converging onto a new technique called formatted string literals, or f-strings.

The f-string facility also provides formatting options. For example, floats can be formatted with the syntax f'{value:{width}.{precision}}', where:

Python’s f-strings are both powerful and syntactically terse. An expression within an f-string, the component inside the {}, is just that: an expression. It can be a variable reference, a computation, a method call, a library call or any combination of expressions you can dream up.

Python provides substantial capabilities for creating and printing strings. It’s a topic we’ll have to leave for now, for space considerations.

To close the topic on strings, let’s discuss how strings are objects in Python, and some of the implications of that fact. Within this text we’ll repeatedly remind you that in Python, everything is an object. Strings are no exception. Consider the following:

>>> s = 'python'
>>> s.capitalize()

Here, we applied a method called ‘capitalize’ to the object named ‘s.’ Strings are of data type str and as such can also be created with the str command (an object constructor):

>>> s = str(object='python')
>>> s

You’ll probably never need to use the str() constructor, but it’s worth knowing that the built-in Python classes allow you to construct objects either with a constructor, or via a shortcut. For strings, that shortcut is to just enclose characters in quotes. These shortcuts are called ‘literals.’ More on this topic later.


The sequence list type is of great importance to a programmer that knows MATLAB. A Python list is similar to a MATLAB cell vector and provides a building block to numeric vectors and higher-order matrices and arrays.

For a programmer with a MATLAB background, lists may not appear particularly useful. As an array, the list implementation would be difficult to work with. Fear not, multidimensional arrays are available in Python, and we’ll cover that topic later.


A set is an unordered collection of objects. Because sets have no order, they cannot be indexed or sliced.


Tuples are another sequence data type. The tuple type is identical to the list type, but immutable. By the way, the word tuple should be pronounced to rhyme with supple.

Lists vs. Tuples

The key difference between lists and tuples is mutability. Use lists when you might need to change, add or delete elements. Use tuples when you want permanency, or when you need to create a composite key in a dictionary, a data type we will discuss next.


Python dictionaries are similar to MATLAB structures. Here are the key things to know about dictionaries:

Python Literals

Eventually you are going to come across the term literal in the Python literature; we’ve used the term several times. It will be helpful for you to know what, exactly, that term means. Every programming language has some concept of a literal, and Python is no exception.

In Python, a literal is syntax that creates a specific object. When we introduced strings, we mentioned that strings can be created either with a shortcut or with a constructor. For example, the following commands are equivalent:

>>> string = 'abc'
>>> string = str(object='abc')

In the first line above, ‘abc’ is considered a literal. Literals produce data types; in the above, the literal is a shortcut way to produce a string. Many of Python’s built-in classes have literal representations. These include:

| Type | Constructor | Literal Examples | | ---------- | ----------- | ---------------- | | Integer | int() | -1, 0, 1, | | Complex | complex() | 2+3j, 0+5j, 2j | | Boolean | bool() | True, False | | Float | float() | 3.5, -2.7 | | String | str() | "", 'Hello' | | List | list() | [], [1, 2] | | Tuple | tuple() | (), (1,), (1, 2) | | Dictionary | dict() | {}, {'a': 2} | | Set | set() | {1, 2, 3} |

Another characteristic of literals is that they are constants. In the following line of code, ‘a’ is a variable, and the number 5 is a literal:

>>> a = 5

Notice in the above table that each literal is a constant whose value cannot be changed. Python defines yet more literals, but the above are the most commonly used. So when you see the term literal in the Python literature, just know that a literal is a shortcut way to instantiate a built-in class.


For now, we are done with data types. We’ll return to the topic later when we discuss user-defined classes. Let’s look next at Python’s primary control structures.

Python Control Structures

Python’s core library provides a limited but versatile set of control structures. Add-on packages provide many additional constructs, but the following discussion will be limited to those of the core library.

Flow Control

Python provides the usual flow control constructs, with some minor syntax changes.

Those are the core, familiar control constructs. Again, the Python language is intended to be lightweight. Let’s move on to a construct that may not be familiar to you.

List Comprehensions

The list data type is a key element of the Python language. Recall that a list is similar to MATLAB’s cell vector. A construct called a list comprehension, or listcomp, provides a compact syntax to create one list from another, or from an iterable.

List comprehensions are a powerful feature of the Python language. They are memory efficient, fast, and terse.

Iterables and Iterators

In Python every data type, whether built-in or user-defined, is a class. Some classes have special capabilities, such as the ability of an object to produce its data set one element at a time. Such an object is called an iterable.

Iterables and iterators are pervasive in the Python language, as they provide memory efficient lists. You might not use them directly, deferring instead to for- and while-loops, but knowing how such constructs are implemented will be valuable to you.


As mentioned in the previous section, user-defined classes can be made iterable. This is, however, not Python’s preferred way of creating an iterator. There’s quite a bit of coding involved with iterables, and computational overhead too. Generators are the preferred way of creating iteration-enabled objects. There are two types of generators.

Generators are essentially lists that are awaiting completion. They are memory efficient, and they are easy to store and to pass to methods and functions.

Lists, Revisited

Learning Python is a nonlinear process. As we learn more and more about the language, we need to revisit earlier topics. Now that you know about iterables, we should revisit list construction. Lists can be constructed in multiple ways:

Keep in mind that user-defined objects can be made iterable. We have not covered such objects yet, but once we do, you’ll see that their contents can be converted into list objects.


Python functions are similar to MATLAB functions, although Python signatures are more versatile. Also, there are some interesting ways to use and reuse functions in Python.


As with MATLAB, Python has facilities for warnings and exceptions (errors). In fact, Python has sophisticated facilities for these.

Warnings are objects and derive from a Warning class. A list of built-in Warning subclasses is available in the Python Standard Library documentation. Users can create their own warning classes, derived from the built-in classes. A warning filter allows a user to process a warning through a sequence of pre-defined categories of warnings, processing any match that is found with specific actions. The filter can suppress a warning, escalate it to an exception, or print it. For all the sophistication, warnings can also be very simple:

>>> import warnings
>>> warnings.warn('Something seems wrong')
__main__:1: UserWarning: Something seems wrong


Python’s exceptions are a lot like MATLAB’s error facility, but more powerful. The syntax is similar, and we’ll point out the differences.

Inside a program, a user might want to manually check for an error and if encountered, issue an exception. Suppose you are about to compute the standard deviation of a list of values, but you want to enforce a minimum length to the list, e.g., ten data points. Your code would look something like:

if len(x) <= 10:
  raise Exception('Too few data points')

The above block would raise (throw, in MATLAB terms) an exception.

Whereas MATLAB has try-catch blocks, Python defines try-except blocks. Here’s a quick summary:

Listing the Python Version

You’ll need, from time to time, to know the version of Python that you are using.

Here’s how to get the version number from Python itself:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.version
3.7.0 (v3.7.0:1, Aug 27 2018, 04:59:51) [MSC v.1914 64 bit]

And from a shell window, simply enter python -V.

Interacting with the Operating System

Eventually you’ll want to interact with the host computer’s operating system. Here’s a sample of what you can do:

>>> import os
>>> os.getcwd()
>>> os.listdir()

You can change environment variables this way, change to a new directory, etc. To see a list of all of the methods in the os module, use dir(os).


If you have been entering the above commands into a Python console window, you might be wondering how to perform a few basic maintenance operations, like listing or clearing the workspace variables. Python itself does not provide these features, although you can certainly code your own version of whos or clear. However, if you are using IPython or an IDE built on IPython, you will have access to magic commands, commands that will be familiar to you except that they are prefixed by a ‘%’. Try the following:

>>> %who
>>> %whos
>>> %reset # Equivalent to MATLAB's *clear* command

There are a lot of magic commands, so you’ll eventually want to review those at the above link. You can also get magic command help from the Python console with the following command:

>>> %magic

In addition to the magic commands, the IPython console (we’re assuming you’ll eventually use this) provides an introspection facility that helps you quickly examine any variable you have defined. For example,

>>> x = list(range(5))
>>> x? # Can also use >>> ?x

Type: list
String form: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Length: 5
Built-in mutable sequence.

Introspection works with objects, built-in functions and user-defined functions.

*call by value*. However, the value passed is an object reference,
not the object itself. Therefore, in MATLAB terminology Python
passes function arguments using *call by reference*. <br> <br>


As you might expect, Python offers numerous libraries with which to create graphical output. You’ll want to have a look at Plotly, Chartify, and Seaborn, among many others. One of the most popular libraries is, naturally, Matplotlib, a library that tries to reproduce MATLAB’s charting capabilities.

Let’s look at an example.

C:> pip install matplotlib # from a Windows terminal

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> x = list(range(-100,101)
>>> y = [x**2 for x in x]
>>> plt.plot(x,y)

Matplotlilb provides 2-d charts, but other packages built upon Matplotlib provide 3-d charts, as per the following example.

>>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from matplotlib import cm
>>> from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
>>> import numpy as np
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
>>> X = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.25)
>>> Y = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.25)
>>> X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
>>> R = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
>>> Z = np.sin(R)

>>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

Object-Oriented Programming in Python

At this point of the article we’ll dive a bit deeper into the Python programming language. We’ll discuss namespaces, scopes, and then classes. Each of these differs from the MATLAB model, and you need to be aware of the differences.

Namespaces and Scopes

Let’s start with namespaces and scopes, as these concepts are important prerequisites for understanding classes.


For programming projects of non-trivial size, the use of classes is considered standard practice. MATLAB provides a sophisticated class model that, while offering programmers tremendous capabilities, is difficult to learn. Python’s class model is much simpler, offers fewer capabilities, but is easier to learn. Let’s have a look.

In the following, we’ll make no attempt to explain object-oriented programming; we are instead assuming you have covered this topic elsewhere. We’ll provide an outline of what Python offers, from as usual, the perspective of a MATLAB programmer.

In Python everything is an object; in MATLAB most but not all things are objects.

Let’s look at a few simple Python examples of variables. Consider the following:

>>> x = []
>>> x?
Type: list
String form: []
Length: 0
Docstring: Built-in mutable sequence.

As the above shows, even the [] construct creates an object.  In this case, variable x is a list object. Or consider how a variable containing an integer has a class attribute:

>>> x = 5
>>> x.__class__
<class 'int'>

Classes are defined with a straightforward syntax. In the following example code, we define a class, a docstring, an instantiation method, and then two class methods:

class MyClass:
        """A sample class definition"""         # Like MATLAB's H1 line

        def __init__(self):      # A constructor
            self.mydata = []

        def method1(self):
            self.mydata = 3.14159

        def method2(self):
            self.mydata = 3.14159 / 2

Class objects support only two kinds of operations: attribute references and instantiation. Let’s look first at attribute references. Consider the following class definition which defines one attribute and one method:

class MyClass:
        """Doc String"""
        x = 3.140

        def f(self,StringToPrint):

You’ll need to save the above into a .py file. You can choose any name for the file; let’s use Back in the Python console window, we can type the following:

>>> import simple
>>> obj = simple.MyClass()
>>> obj.x
>>> obj.f('test')

Both the attribute and the method are referenced with the same notation. Use of the variable ‘self’ as the first argument to the above method is only a convention; this is, however, the standard convention.

Now let’s look at an instantiation operation. Python uses a specifically named method for instantiation, called __init__, as per the following example:

def __init__(self, day, activity):
    self.weekday = day
    self.activity = activity

When an __init__ method is placed into a class definition, it is automatically invoked when the class is first instantiated.

Python supports class inheritance. The syntax is simply:

class SubClassName(BaseClassName):

In the above, BaseClassName must be in scope. If it is not, one can instead use:

class SubClassName(ModuleName.BaseClassName):

Subclass methods may either override or extend base class methods of the same name. To call a super-class method from a subclass, use super(). For example, if a parent class has a method called invite(), the subclass can reference the method with super().invite().

Python supports both class (static) and instance variables. The location where variables are defined in a class, rather than the use of keywords, dictates whether a variable is a class variable or instance variable. E.g.,

def MyClass:
    ClassVar = 3.14     # Class, or static variable

def __init__(self):
    self.InstanceVar = 3.14159     # Instance variable

Static variables should be used with care. If you create two instances of the above class and use one of them to alter the value of ClassVar, that value will then appear also in the second instance.

Python also supports static methods. This introduces the topic of Python’s class decorators, which we consider to be an advanced topic best saved for later. But for now, know that Python supports both static and instance methods.

In MATLAB, a class resides in a file of the same name. In Python, multiple classes can be defined in one file, and that file can take any name. More generally, a class can be defined anywhere, e.g., inside of a function or an if statement (not that you would do that, of course). Classes can be embedded within one another, with the inner class having access to the outer class namespace. The author of Python, Guido van Rossum, maintains a blog where he has an interesting discussion of this topic.

There are some significant differences between the MATLAB object model and Python’s. Here are the biggest ones:

There are many more differences between the MATLAB and Python object models. In general, the Python model chooses simplicity over sophistication; vice-versa for MATLAB. Which model is the best choice will depend upon your programming needs.


Python considers everything to be an object. Once initiated, some objects allow their state to be changed, meaning they are mutable. Other objects prohibit state changes; these objects are immutable. Knowing which classes are mutable and which are not is important. Here’s a reference list:

It may seem strange that Python defines so many immutable classes. But beyond the primitive data types (bool, complex, float and int) only three classes are immutable. And of those three, the tuple class allows its contents to contain mutable objects.

Copy That

To close out this chapter, let’s discuss an interesting, and likely unexpected, feature of Python: the language provides three mechanisms for copying variables. We think it’s best to inform you of this now, so that you don’t learn about this after tripping over it.

Suppose you have a list referenced by the variable x. If you then create a new variable y with the operation y=x, the new variable y simply points to the original list; the variable y does not reference a new copy of the list. This is an important concept to master as it effects all Python data types. On assignment, Python will bind two objects together rather than make a copy. Consider the following:

>>> x = [0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> y = x
>>> x[0] = 99
>>> y
[99, 1, 2, 3]

By updating x we also updated y, because y was bound to x. From the MATLAB perspective, x and y are similar to handle objects; unlike MATLAB, Python defaults to this behavior.

When necessary Python will allow you to make a true copy. But there are two flavors of true copies. The first is called a shallow copy. For simple objects like a list that don’t contain nested objects, the shallow copy is all you need.

>>> import copy
>>> x = [0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> y = x.copy()
>>> x[0] = 99
>>> y
[0, 1, 2, 3]

When you are trying to copy more complex objects, such as a user-defined object whose attributes reference other objects, you will need a deep copy of the list. In this third case, use x.deepcopy() instead of x.copy().

An important exception to binding is in making array slices. When an array is sliced, the returned object is a new object, not a view into the original object. E.g.,

>>> a = list(range(5))
>>> b = a[2]     # A slice, which is not bound to variable 'a'.
>>> b
>>> b = 99     # Change the value of b.
>>> a
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]     # Variable a is unaffected.

Biggest Differences

Now that you’ve seen Python’s primary data types and control structures, let’s catalog the major differences between the Python and MATLAB languages. Here are the items that made our list. If you are going to program in the Python language, you’ll want to spend some time studying these topics further.

We have now covered the primary Python data types and control structures. In the third and last chapter of this article, we’ll look at the expansive Python ecosystem.

The Python Ecosystem

As a MATLAB programmer you may be a little nervous about Python at this point. We covered the primary data types and built-in functionality, but said nothing of matrices, multi-dimensional arrays, array operations or vectorization. We haven’t even mentioned common mathematical operations such as matrix inversion, eigenvalue computation, interpolation or the like.

The closest we came to any of those discussions was to introduce lists, and we noted that lists are like MATLAB’s cell array. But we also noted that Python lists do not support matrices or higher-dimensional arrays. The core Python language simply does not replicate the MATLAB features you rely upon. But fear not, for Python is designed to be an extensible language and its ecosystem provides the data types and functionality you’ve been wondering about.

The Python ecosystem, the libraries, IDEs and tools that complement the Python language is vast. We noted earlier that learning the Python language requires a substantial, yet limited, amount of your time. In contrast, discovering all that is available in the Python ecosystem is, well, good luck with that. In the following sections, we will introduce you to those portions of the ecosystem that are likely to be of value to you. We cannot cover everything that might be of interest to you, but we’ll start the conversation and provide you with links to additional material.

Integration with Source Code Control

Python itself does not integrate with source control systems, but many of its IDEs do. PyCharm, for example, has an intuitive interface to more than ten source control systems, including GitHub, CVS and Subversion. In PyCharm, go to File->Settings->Version Control and choose your SCC of preference. Once your settings are made, there’s a VCS menu on the PyCharm toolbar. It’s that easy. Note that file names within the project listing (left side of the PyCharm window) are color coded to reflect their SCC state.

Back to Modules and Packages

As mentioned earlier, a searchable list of 150,000 Python packages is available at the Python Package Index. Before reinventing the wheel, search through the index to see if someone has already published the code you need. Downloading packages is easy, and your IDE may make it trivial for you. Let’s talk now about importing modules and packages into your Python workspace.

To install packages, a utility called ‘pip’ is recommended. Here’s how to use pip to install the matplotlib package.

Find pip.exe on your computer; this executable should have installed as part of the Python install. Add that directory to Windows’ path variable. Just type ‘Edit Environment’ in the Windows task bar and you’ll find the variable editor. See the following link for instructions.

In a command prompt window (Windows, not Python), enter the following:

pip install matplotlib
pip freeze

Occasionally you’ll want to upgrade the installed version of pip. To do so, enter (in a command prompt window):

pip install --upgrade pip

With thousands of available packages, one might expect that updates to various packages happen all the time. However, only one version of a given package can be installed in the same Python instance; that is, a specific package name can be imported only once, even if there are multiple versions available. To enable testing of new packages, and to enable version-dependent programs to run with outdated packages, Python allows for virtual environments. A virtual environment is just a directory tree containing a Python installation, along with a set of version-specific packages.

Python itself can create virtual environments (also known as venvs), using the command venv. Likewise, many IDEs can create such environments. If you are using a venv, be aware that pip installs packages and modules local only to that venv. That is, if you download a package specific to a venv, that package will not be included with, or available to, the next venv that you create.

Virtual environments are very useful and provide a feature missing in MATLAB: an ability to switch between different module and package versions for testing or debugging.

Path Management

You may have noticed that we’ve not mentioned path management. No doubt you are aware that path management is important to MATLAB: classes, functions and scripts must reside on the path, and file naming conventions must be followed.

In contrast, Python path management tends to be simpler. The path will likely be shorter, more easily managed, and once a module is imported, all of its functions are directly accessible. By default, the packages that you install with the pip utility will reside in a single folder under the Python installation folder. To list your specific site folder(s), perform the following command:

>>> import site; site.getsitepackages()

If you know the name of a specific package you’ve already installed, you can obtain information about that package, including its installation directory. Use the following command entered into a Windows command window to obtain information about a package named, e.g., package-name:

pip show package-name

If you are using a virtual environment, the venv tool or your IDE will create its necessary virtual environment folders and update the path variable automatically.

Here are the basics for viewing and modifying the Python search path.


We promised several times to show you how Python supports matrices, higher-dimensional arrays, and associated numeric and scientific computations. That time has arrived.

One of the design objectives for the core Python library was, and remains, simplicity. Matrices and higher-dimensional arrays are thus provided by add-on packages. By far the most popular package to provide an array feature is NumPy. The NumPy package bills itself as the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.

We’ll cover some NumPy basics, just to show you that MATLAB’s array features are available in Python. But for a full discussion of NumPy, you’ll want to visit the official NumPy website.

To begin, install NumPy.

C:> pip install numpy # Enter from a Windows terminal

We’ll focus on the a NumPy-specific data type called ndarray, which has an alias called array. This data type provides storage for a multi-dimensional array of homogeneous elements. Let’s first create and print a 1-d array of integers:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([1,2,3]) # Note that we input a list.
      # Omitting the brackets generates an error.
>>> print(a)
[1 2 3]

Create and print a 2-d array of integers. There are numerous ways to create arrays in NumPy, and we’ll explore a few of those.

>>> a = np.array([ (0, 1, 2, 3),
...                (4, 5, 6, 7) ])
>>> print(a)
[[0 1 2 3]
[4 5 6 7]]

>>> a = np.arange(8).reshape(2,4) # Equivalent to the above

>>> a[0,0] # Single brackets now; different from core Python

>>> a[0,1] = 99
>>> print(a)
[[1 99 3]
[4 5 6]]

The array() function transforms sequences of sequences into two-dimensional arrays, sequences of sequences of sequences into three-dimensional arrays, and so on.

NumPy provides several functions that will immediately be familiar, for example: zeros(), ones(), and linspace().

Regarding operations on arrays, NumPy performs elementwise computations by default; linear algebra operations are obtained through special functions.

>>> a = np.array([ (1,2,3), (4,5,6) ])
>>> a += 1 # An in-place operation, equivalent to a = a+1
>>> print(a)
[[2 3 4]
[5 6 7]]

>>> a *= a # Element-wise multiplication, equivalent to a =
>>> print(a)
[[4 9 16]
[25 36 49]]

Recall from earlier that Python uses the ‘+’ symbol to concatenate arrays, even numeric ones. NumPy overrides that behavior, giving you elementwise operations. E.g.,

>>> a + a
array([[ 8, 18, 32],
       [50, 72, 98]])

Now let’s look at a matrix product, using the @ operator. Rather than save and then print() the result, we’ll skip the save and allow Python to print to the screen.

>>> a = np.array( [[1,2]
>>> b = np.array( [[2,3]
>>> a @ b
array([10, 13],
      [22, 29])

NumPy has dozens of functions with which to perform the usual array operations you would expect of an analytics library. You can query an array size, reshape an array, extract elements or slices, compute statistics such as cov, mean, std and var. With NumPy you can perform linear algebra operations such as transpose, inverse and multiplication. You can compute eigenvalues. You can sort and filter arrays. Logical operations include the familiar any(), all() and where() operations.

By default, NumPy will operate on arrays element-wise. This is a departure from MATLAB’s vectorized operations. However, NumPy provides a vectorization feature via its vectorize class. As a simple example, suppose you have a function called which inputs two numbers, adds them and returns the result. Below is the function, and how you would vectorize it.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> def add(a, b):
... return a+b

>>> add_v = np.vectorize(add) # Returns a function
>>> add_v([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) # Add two vectors
array([5, 7, 9])

While it’s not a core topic of this article, we should mention that NumPy offers a tremendous performance benefit to numeric calculations. Calculations that you might compute in pure Python can run 10x to 100x faster using NumPy. This performance improvement results from several key features of NumPy. Consider the simple act of adding two lists. In pure Python, each element of the list will be a pointer to an object, a float or an int, for example, with all of the attendent overhead of processing those objects. In NumPy, those lists will be reduced to arrays of a homogenous data type, with far less processing overhead. Secondly, many NumPy functions are implemented in the C language, compiled for speed. And thirdly, with NumPy, high-level Python for-loops get pushed down into the C libraries, with the latter being far faster than the former.

NumPy has much more to offer; we simply cannot cover all of its capabilities here. But a bit of good news for you: with a MATLAB background you’ll find that the NumPy documentation is familiar, and once you read through its documentation you’ll feel much more at ease with Python. And if you don’t particularly like the NumPy language syntax, keep reading to the Pandas section. Pandas is built on top of NumPy and provides a syntax you will be much more comfortable with.


The NumPy package is built upon the core Python language and provides an N-dimensional array type. The SciPy package is built upon the NumPy package and provides a tremendous breadth of mathematical, scientific and engineering algorithms. SciPy is actually one component of a larger ecosystem of packages, including: NumPy, Matplotlib, IPython, Pandas and numerous others. Generally, when you import SciPy, you’ll want to import NumPy. Depending on your needs, you’ll import the other packages as required. When you import SciPy and its friends, you are creating a Python computational environment that is similar to what you are accustomed to with MATLAB.

SciPy provides a collection of modules targeted toward science and engineering. SciPy modules include algorithms for linear algebra, FFTs, integration, interpolation, optimization, signal and image processing, differential equations, statistics and more. SciPy also extends Python’s computational features by providing advanced charting, database interactivity and parallel processing. SciPy can even read and write MAT-files.

Be aware that some SciPy functions also appear in NumPy, and there will be non-trivial differences between them. This duplication exists for NumPy backward compatibility reasons. A good guideline is to use NumPy for its multi-dimensional array type, and SciPy for its algorithms.

The ecosystem built on SciPy is vast. Fortunately, the SciPy team maintains an extensive list that is categorized by scientific discipline and computational topic. We encourage you to browse through the offerings. But first, let’s take a quick look at SciPY.

To begin, install SciPy.

C:> pip install scipy # Enter from a Windows terminal

Let’s solve linear system [A]{x} = {b}, where [A] and {b} are given as:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import linalg

>>> A = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> b = np.array([[5], [6]])
>>> x = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
>>> print(x)
[[-4, ],
[ 4.5]]

Check that the solution is correct. Compare the multiplication of [A]{x} to {b}.

>>> Ax =,x)
>>> tf = all(np.equal(Ax, b))
>>> print('Solution matches:', tf)
Solution matches: True

The SciPy package has extensive functionality, and extensive documentation. The online documentation at is excellent, and you’ll eventually find yourself spending time there.


Building on NumPy and SciPy is the Pandas package. Pandas is all about data analysis and modeling. The pandas website states, pandas has ‘the broader goal of becoming the most powerful and flexible open source data analysis / manipulation tool available in any language.’ Note that the name pandas, by convention, is written in all lowercase.

If you rely upon MATLAB’s @dataset or @table classes, or if you have coded your own version of these classes, or if you need to analyze and model data, you’ll want to explore the pandas package. Pandas offers both a Series class for 1-d data, and a DataFrame class for 2-d data. Each of these classes comes with labels, indices, and broad functionality for data import and export, data cleansing, analysis and modeling, charting and numerous other tasks.

Pandas depends upon and extends the NumPy package. Pandas does not depend upon, but interoperates with, SciPy. It’s quite possible that a lot of code you had to write before in MATLAB simply goes away now, as the code has been written for you in Python’s NumPy/SciPy/pandas ecosystem.

Development of pandas began in 2008 at AQR Capital Management, and the library was open-sourced in 2009. Pandas does many of the things that you’ve grown accustomed to in MATLAB. It is difficult to reduce the list of pandas’ capabilities to a set that might be most important to you, but here’s an attempt.

Pandas can read data from a wide variety of data sources, including CSV and other delimited files, Excel, databases, HDF5, HTML and JSON. Pandas has facilities for storing variable-frequency timeseries data, both 1-d and 2-d, and for managing timeseries data with operations such as filling, converting frequencies, and date shifting. As with NumPy, pandas provides indexing and slicing of your data, and numerous relational operations such as group by, join and merge. Data and axes can be labeled and indexed. Pandas provides facilities for data analysis and modeling, and pandas interoperates with the functions provided by SciPy.

Let’s try an example using pandas. Suppose you notice a news article about the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for U.S. Housing and want to explore some of that data. An online search leads you to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and to a set of csv files on their website. In the following code, we’ll read the CPI data, explore it, reduce its frequency from monthly to annual, and then chart it.

To begin, install pandas.

C:> pip install pandas # Enter from a Windows terminal

Next, let’s read the online data, and take a quick look at the contents:

>>> import pandas as pd

>>> URL =
>>> df = pd.read_csv(URL, sep='t') # df is short for
>>> df.head()

series_id year period value

0 CUSR0000SAH 1967 M01 30.5
1 CUSR0000SAH 1967 M02 30.5
2 CUSR0000SAH 1967 M03 30.5
3 CUSR0000SAH 1967 M04 30.6
4 CUSR0000SAH 1967 M05 30.7

Pandas was able to read the csv file and place it directly into a DataFrame. Note that Pandas added the first column (a row index) automatically. We won’t need the series_id column, so let’s drop it. Also, it turns out that the CPI data is rather sparse before 1940, so let’s keep only years 1940 and later:

>>> df = df.drop('series_id', axis='columns')
>>> df = df[df.year >= 1940]

The column labeled ‘period’ denotes a month. E.g., M01 is January, M02 is February, etc. Let’s use some of panda’s built-in SQL functionality to group the CPI indices by year, taking the mean CPI across the months of each year. Note how we are chaining operations together:

>>> df = df.groupby(['year']).mean()

Finally, let’s clean up the column labels and plot the data:

>>> df = df.rename({'value':'Mean CPI'}, axis='columns')
>>> df.plot()

Plotting the data provides the figure above. Several comments are warranted here. First, the pandas library was able to successfully load a remotely-hosted data set that we did not even bother to pre-inspect. Pandas placed the data into its DataFrame object, automatically included labels and inserted a row index. Using pandas’ functionality, we were then able to remove unwanted data, both rows and columns, reduce it to an annual frequency, clean up the labels and plot. We used a total of nine commands.

While pandas’ syntax differs from MATLAB’s, the commands we used to analyze the CPI data should feel familiar. Pandas has a tremendous amount of functionality that we’ve not touched upon, but hopefully we’ve demonstrated that the combination of Python/NumPy/SciPy/pandas provides an analysis environment similar to what you use with MATLAB.

Full-Stack Python

Full-Stack Python refers to the design and deployment of web-based applications with significant server-side functionality. Using nothing but Python and supporting Python-based libraries, one can create complex web apps which integrate into traditional websites and back-ends. Python libraries are available for web frameworks (e.g., Django and Flask) and front-end user interfaces (e.g., Plotly Dash).

As an example, one of the authors of this article (Patterson) has written a web application for stress-testing trading portfolios comprised of options, futures, and swaps. This app employs complex mathematical modeling, large data sets, extensive computations, and a sophisticated user interface. The app is written completely in Python. A screen shot of the app is shown below. For a demo of the application or to inquire about licensing, please contact its author.

As discussed above, Python can handle both the front-end and back-end of a web app, and also everything in between, such as analytics and database access. Rather than belabor this topic, we’ll refer you to an excellent online resource called, appropriately, Full Stack Python written by Matt Makai.

MATLAB and Python, Together

The next item in the Python ecosystem that we’d like to introduce is one that will be familiar to you: MATLAB. It may seem odd to include MATLAB as part of the Python ecosystem, but the two languages play supporting roles to one another. If you happen to own a MATLAB license, why not employ it as part of your Python programming efforts?

Python can call MATLAB scripts and functions. In fact, The MathWorks has published an API for Python package that you can import into your Python workspace to facilitate such calls. The package enables you to launch MATLAB from a Python script, transfer data to the MATLAB instance, invoke functions, and return results.

Why, you might ask, would you want to call MATLAB scripts from Python? We think there are several use cases. The first is one of deployment. Suppose you have analytics functionality built in MATLAB but want to deploy those analyses on the web. Python has, though we’ve not discussed it here, state-of-the-art GUI toolkits that can easily be deployed on AWS, the Google Computing Platform or otherwise. You can construct your analytics front-end in Python, allowing it to communicate with your MATLAB-based back-end library.

A second use case is one of developer efficiency. The knowledge you’ve obtained in MATLAB continues to be valuable: you may have an extensive library of M-code that you cannot justify recreating, or perhaps you have a wealth of experience with a MATLAB toolbox and don’t want to relearn that in a new language. In these situations, you’ll want to retain your work in MATLAB even as you branch out in Python.

Just as MATLAB is part of the Python ecosystem, the reverse is also true: Python is part of the MATLAB ecosystem. This latter perspective may be the one that best applies to you. We’re happy to report that you can experiment with Python as a programming language without leaving your established MATLAB-based platform.

Your MATLAB scripts can call newly developed Python code, and the MathWorks has published functions to facilitate that interaction. Why, you might ask again, would you want to call Python scripts from MATLAB? The answer is that Python does some things very well, such as reading online data sources and databases. The possibilities here are unlimited and depend upon your specific needs. As we stated in the beginning of this article, knowing both languages will provide you with opportunities not previously imagined.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Let’s return to a topic that we first discussed at the very beginning of the article: IDEs. There are at least twenty IDEs to choose from. One called IDLE ships with the Python download but is limited in functionality. If you choose to begin developing with Python, you’ll want to upgrade to one of the other choices.

The authors sometimes use the community (free) version of PyCharm. We also use the Professional (not free) version. PyCharm provides code completion, code formatting, syntax highlighting, runtime error checking, project navigation, debugging, and a slick interface. PyCharm integrates with several source control libraries, unit testing frameworks, databases, virtul environments and the PyPy package management library. PyCharm also integrates with the scientific libraries we’ve discussed in this article and supports the IPython magic commands. PyCharm is every bit as sophisticated as the MATLAB IDE, and even more so.

If you happen to use Visual Studio, you can stay with that editor as it supports Python. And if you’re more of a command-line person, have a look at IPython, which is a Python prompt with auto-completion, history and shell capabilities.

Lastly, we mentioned earlier that an IDE called Spyder is available, and it provides a programming environment similar to MATLAB’s. From the Spyder website:

Spyder is a powerful scientific environment written in Python, for Python, and designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts. It offers a unique combination of the advanced editing, analysis, debugging, and profiling functionality of a comprehensive development tool with the data exploration, interactive execution, deep inspection, and beautiful visualization capabilities of a scientific package.

Spyder has many features you’ll recognize. Advanced editing features include syntax highlighting, real-time code analysis, code cells, on-demand completion, tool tips, window-splitting and more. The IDE includes a debugger and profiler, interactive execution, a variable explorer, data explorer and visualizer, and version control. The Spyder IPython console window will assist you with function tips, automatic indentation, syntax highlighting and command history. You can open multiple console windows, and each will operate independently of the others.

Spyder is similar to PyCharm but targeted to data scientists and analysts. Spyder even knows about and integrates with NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas.

Pictured below is Spyder along with our earlier example of using Pandas to visualize BLM data. The window on the left is the editor displaying our code. To the bottom-right is the Python console, along with integrated graphics. At the top-right is the variable explorer; superimposed upon it is the output DataFrame which we obtained by double-clicking on that variable in the explorer window.

Spyder is written in the Python language, is open source and is free of charge.


Spyder is a core component of a Python distribution called Anaconda. The Anaconda distribution mimics a MATLAB installation, in that it provides a complete computing environment: the Python engine, all of the packages we covered earlier, a package manager, the Spyder IDE, and more. With the Anaconda distribution, you no longer have to go shopping for all of these various components. Anaconda gives you the best of breed in each category, all targeted toward data science.

In addition to Python, Anaconda includes Jupyter Notebook, which is a Python engine that allows you to create interactive notebooks of Python code, output of that code, any associated charts, and inline descriptive text. These notebooks are great for teaching and collaboration.

Anaconda is free and open source. In addition, the Anaconda Cloud provides you with online storage to collaborate on modules, packages, notebooks and environments. The Cloud is free for publicly-shared projects. For a monthly fee you can host private collaborations.

With more than six million users, Anaconda is a popular distribution worthy of your attention.


If you have read this far, you must be interested in Python. There’s more to learn, of course, but if you have absorbed the concepts you’ve just read about, you are already functional with the Python language.

If you did not perform the installations and code snippet executions provided throughout this article, a good next step would be to read through the article again, performing all of the installations and examples. When we first mentioned IDEs (back on page 3) we mentioned that you should perhaps wait to choose an IDE. But now’s the time. If you want to put together your own Python computing environment, you can download Python, the packages you need, and the IDE of your choice. Alternatively, you can skip all of that and just download Anaconda.

Two documents are particularly important for your continued study. The Python Library Reference will tell you about the functions in the Python Standard Library. We’ve touched on many functions in this article, but the Library Reference is the definitive guide. Secondly, the Python Language Reference is a comprehensive document that will tell you everything about the language’s design, syntax and semantics.

You absolutely should visit the Python Software Foundation home page. From there you can find the above two documents, tutorials, how-to guides, code examples, installation guides and much more.

If you are more of a book reader, there are numerous books worthy of your time and dollars. On the topic of Python and data science, one book that we recommend is O’Reilly’s Python for Data Analysis, written by Wes McKinney, creator of the pandas library. This is an incredibly well-written and thorough book, an enjoyable read. You can purchase a digital version and then cut-and-paste examples from the book into your Python interpreter. Or better, you can follow along in the book with an accompanying Jupyter Notebook that provides interactive examples for you.

We thank you for your time, and we hope you have found this article worthy of that time. If you have feedback, if you have found typos, incorrect statements, important omissions, or if you have suggestions for improving this document, we’d like to hear from you. Our biographies and contact information are listed below.

Author Biographies

Michael Patterson has worked in commodity trading for twenty years, with roles in technology, fundamental analysis, business intelligence and risk management. Michael lives in Tulsa, OK with his wife and two children. Michael can be reached via his LinkedIn profile or by email at

Andrew Janke is a software developer with over a decade of experience building MATLAB-based systems for financial analysis applications. Andrew specializes in building data analytics platforms that integrate multiple languages and technologies, including MATLAB, Java, and SQL. He can be reached at his website, LinkedIn profile or by email at or

Michael and Andrew currently work at Demex Technologies, where Michael is Director, Commodity Analytics and Andrew is Director, Quantitative Systems. Among its products, Demex Technologies provides to its clients an online platform for researching and quoting complex commodity and weather-based financial derivatives. Not surprisingly, the platform is written in a mix of languages, including MATLAB and Python.

The Demex Group

The authors of this article are founding members of The Demex Group, a firm which helps clients adapt to the impacts of changing weather and climate. A quick background on The Demex Group will help you understand why we’ve taken the time to write this article for you.

We help our clients quantify their business exposure to weather and climate risks, and we facilitate the transfer of those risks to third parties. We do this by providing our clients access to algorithms that help them discover and mitigate their risk exposures. Our algorithms are hosted on a sophisticated, web-based platform comprising nearly one hundred man-years of efforts. To no surprise, this platform is written largely in the MATLAB and Python languages.

Analytics and technology are the core of our business, and client relationships are the foundation of that business. We share our platform and our analyses with our clients, and in so doing we empower them and help protect them from weather and climate risks. This article is just one small component of that effort: we’d like to share with you the knowledge we’ve acquired in our work.


Numerous people have graciously offered reviews, corrections and contributions to this document. We wish to recognize and thank them for their time and talents. Their names, with links to their LinkedIn profiles are:

We would like for this list to grow. Please consider adding to the article. A list of suggested new topics resides on the article’s GitHub public repository.